The Onboarding Program is a structured learning intervention that occupies an interstitial place in the entry process of new hires. Composed of five (5) consecutive trainings, it is meant to supplement the Employee’s Orientation conducted by the Human Resources Management Division (HRMD) of the Human Resource and Administrative Department (HRAD), and to underpin the Assimilation by the host units. The strategic intent of this program is two-fold:
a. It aims to equip new hires with basic functionality, and
b. It intends to imbue new hires with the ethos of “employeeship”
The last and final module (Module 5) of the SEC Onboarding Program deals with ‘Completed Staff Work Lite.’ Building on Thinking Series Lite, this training is meant to make the new entrants better at crafting their official correspondence in keeping with their gatekeeping and problem-solving roles, thus facilitating prudent and decisive decision-making by their principals.