To fully prepare our contract of service (COS) personnel to acquire permanent tenure in the government service, the Human Resource and Administrative Department (HRAD) through the Learning Resource and Information Division (LRID) and the Human Resource Management Division (HRMD) are jointly organizing a Special Review Class for Career Service Examination (Professional and Sub-Professional Levels) in preparation for the Special Career Service Examination – Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) for the Securities and Exchange Commission slated on 19 June 2022 (Sunday).
The Civil Service Exam, properly referred to as the Career Service Exam, is an examination conducted by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) to determine which individuals are deemed fit to work in public service. It covers the following subject areas: General Information, Numerical Ability, Analytical Ability, Verbal Ability, and Clerical Ability.
- Teacher: Kenny Ralph Fernando